Portuguese Citizenship through Funding

Golden Visa refers to a residence permit programme in Portugal, which is acquired by a family in exchange for an investment of funds of 500,000 euros. At the end of 5 years, permanent residency or Portuguese citizenship can be applied for, provided that the investment is maintained and at least one week per year is spent in Portugal.

All Turkish citizens can apply for this programme. To apply, it is sufficient to be 18 years old and have a clean criminal record. The programme also offers additional benefits such as access to education and healthcare in Portugal.

Main Advantages of Obtaining Portuguese Citizenship through the Fund

Portuguese citizenship brings with it many advantages and social rights. So what are the biggest privileges of being a Portuguese citizen?


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Most Golden Visa approved investment funds are organised in such a way that they can be dissolved within six to eight years. This period is in line with the period that a Golden Visa investor will need until he or she obtains Portuguese citizenship.

How to Obtain Portuguese Citizenship through Fund Investment?

  • Passport with valid date
  • Fund investment certificate
  • Criminal record
  • T.C. Identity
  • Investment declaration
  • Birth certificates of children
  • Marriage certificate

Documents Related to Fund Investment at the Application Stage:

The applicant must submit documents showing that a total investment of EUR 500,000 has been made. Supporting documents are:

  • Declaration letter to be obtained from the bank
  • Fund participation certificate to be obtained from fund companies
  • Declaration letter to be obtained from fund managers

Frequently Asked Questions About Portuguese Citizenship Through Funding

1What is the Portugal Golden Visa investment fund?
In November 2018, the Portuguese Government introduced a scheme to redirect investments made under the Golden Visa to companies based in Portugal. The aim is to strengthen companies, and therefore the Portuguese economy. These companies must be registered in Portugal and must realise at least 60% of their investments in Portugal. In this context, the minimum investment requirement for Golden Visa application is EUR 500,000. While some Golden Visa compliant funds invest in healthcare, technology, food, education, energy, tourism, retail, software, information systems, banking, energy, tourism and student accommodation companies, some funds tend to diversify their portfolios by investing in publicly listed companies on the Portuguese stock exchange. Therefore, it is useful to analyse the characteristics of the funds before making an investment decision.
2What factors make Golden Visa mutual funds popular?
The two most important factors are that the investment can be easily made from Turkey without travelling to Portugal and the zero tax advantage it provides. It is also the only investment alternative in Europe that offers an EU passport for the family without the obligation to live in the country. In both Greece and Spain, if the target is EU passport, it is obligatory to live there. This detail is often overlooked.
3How do I know which Golden Visa fund to invest in?
As of October 2023, there are approximately 20 Golden Visa-compliant funds available. We recommend that you consider three key elements when reviewing funds.
Risk Analysis
Dividend Yield
4Can I invest Golden Visa funds remotely?
5Do I need a lawyer to apply for a Golden Visa with a fund purchase?
Yes, because you need to make sure that your investment is analysed and your application is made correctly. For this, we recommend that you proceed with a corporate law firm experienced in the field of Golden Visa.
6Are all funds in Portugal Golden Visa compliant?
No. In order to be Golden Visa compliant, approval must be obtained from the Portuguese Capital Market Board (CMVM). A minimum of 60% of the investments must be allocated to Portugal. Therefore, we recommend that you speak to an expert in Portuguese fund investment before making an investment decision.
7Golden Visa Can I invest in more than one fund?
Yes, you can buy more than one fund with your investment of EUR 500,000 and diversify your portfolio.
8What are the characteristics of Portugal Golden Visa Mutual Funds?
Golden Visa Portugal Funds have an average lifespan of 6-8 years. They are compatible with the time required to apply for Portuguese citizenship. Most Golden Visa compliant funds are 'closed funds' and must be held until maturity. However, the 'open fund' option has no maturity date and can be converted into cash if needed. Investments are made in publicly traded corporate companies listed on the Portuguese stock exchange, and the investment value can be viewed on a daily basis.
9What is the best mutual fund for Portugal Golden Visa application?
The answer to this question depends on investors' expectations. EUPorto offers its investors the most reliable funds, ranging from funds in which Portuguese banks are invested to Portuguese stock exchange funds. The diversified funds in EUPorto's portfolio with different sectors minimise the risks of Golden Visa investors.

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